
Who We Work With

At Kwasi, we carry out our values in everything we do. We stand tall as straight shooters, we infuse optimism and fun into our team, we are perpetual learners – giving us the badge of masters in our field and we prioritise loyalty, caring about who we work with.

At Kwasi, we want whoever we work with to understand us and our processes. To know we have their best interests at heart when we drive their digital strategy and grow their business and we look for key things when we take on new clients; learners, innovators & go-getters.

Knowledgeable Decision-Makers

Success doesn’t come to those who wait; it comes to those who go out and seize it. We seek clients who have a proactive mindset and a willingness to take action.

Whether it’s implementing bold new strategies or seizing opportunities found in the data as they arise, our ideal partners are ready to roll up their sleeves and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Open Innovators

Innovation is at the heart of what we do, and we want partners who share our passion for pushing boundaries and exploring new possibilities. Together, we’ll revolutionise your digital strategy and leave your competitors in the dust.

Our ideal clients understand that success is earned, not given, and are willing to roll up their sleeves and put in the work necessary to achieve their goals.

Avid Learners

As masters in our field, we love to expand our knowledge on our partners so they can understand the intricacies of things like search engine optimisation and performance marketing strategies.

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, there’s always something new to discover. That’s why we’re drawn to clients who approach their business with a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to continuous improvement.

By staying curious and open-minded, our partners ensure that their digital strategies remain relevant and effective in an ever-changing landscape.

Driven by investment

At Kwasi, we believe in the power of strategic investment to fuel growth and drive success. We’re not looking for clients who expect results to magically appear overnight; we’re seeking partners who understand that achieving greatness requires dedication, nurturing and, most importantly, investment.

There are no shortcuts to success. It takes time, effort, and yes, investment, to see meaningful results. By investing in the right strategies, technologies, and talent, you can lay the foundation for long-term growth and prosperity.

Our role at Kwasi is to help you identify where to focus your investment for maximum impact and guide you every step of the way towards realising your vision.

Partnering for success with Kwasi

When you partner with Kwasi, you’re not just hiring a digital marketing agency; you’re investing in a collaborative relationship dedicated to your success.

We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources, and ultimately achieve remarkable results that boost your business.

With the right investment and the right partner by your side, the possibilities are endless.

See some of the work we’ve done with our partners

Biggest Arts Festival in the Southern Hemisphere

Targeted PPC Strategy helps drive awareness and ticket sales for two new Adelaide Fringe events

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Adelaide Fringe

Improved conversion tracking adds to another successful year for Adelaide Fringe

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Aus retailer boosts revenue 327% in 12 months with Kwasi PPC

  • The challenge: significantly increase their footprint in the US, Australia and other global markets
  • The solution: Restructuring Google Ads Account, Unique ROAS Targets, Accurate Measurement, Smart Shopping, Driving Brand Growth
  • the results: 387% (US) and 281% (AUS) increase in Google Ads Revenue, 4x (US) and 7x (AUS) ROAS
Read case study

Large Beauty & Hair eCommerce Site

100K Revenue Increase in 2 Months for a Beauty eCommerce Site

  • The challenge: increase travel insurance leads cost-effectively in a small niche.
  • The solution: Highly targeted Facebook advertising, focused on demographics & interest.
  • The results: 2,000 new leads at a cost of just $2.21 per lead.
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Cota Insurance

Targeted Facebook Advertising Strategy Drives Leads for Seniors Travel Insurer

  • The challenge: increase travel insurance leads cost-effectively in a small niche.
  • The solution: Highly targeted Facebook advertising, focused on demographics & interest.
  • The results: 2,000 new leads at a cost of just $2.21 per lead.
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National Menswear Retailer

139% Increase in Revenue & Solid Traffic Growth Following Website Migration

  • The challenge: Preserve traffic, visibility and sales throughout website rebuild and migration.
  • The solution: Keyword/URL mapping, Web Developer Guide, live monitoring.
  • The results: Traffic, visibility, conversions and revenue all improved through migration.
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Oz Hair & Beauty

530% Increase in Revenue & 12x ROI Through Structured Google Ads Campaigns

  • The challenge: 20x Return on Investment on Google Ads for hair and beauty products.
  • The solution: Single Keyword Ad Groups targeting individual brands with granular bidding and budget control.
  • The results: Minimum 24x ROI with a 530% increase in revenue year-on-year.
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530% increase in revenue

Frequently Asked Questions

How involved will I need to be in the digital marketing process?

While we handle the day-to-day execution, we value input and collaboration from our clients. We organised monthly WIP meetings, to discuss performance and ensure that our strategies align closely with your business goals.

How do you educate your clients in digital marketing?

We ensure our clients understand the ins and outs of digital marketing and how it benefits their business. We provide training sessions, workshops, and access to industry insights to keep our clients informed and engaged in the process.

What industries do you typically work with?

We specialise in government, e-commerce, SaaS, and lead generation industries. To ensure dedicated attention, we limit our client intake to one per specific industry. You’ll have our undivided focus and support throughout our partnership.

Expand your business potential with Kwasi

Transform your eCommerce website and increase your sales with Kwasi.

Get Your Free Digital Transformation Guide

Digital Transformation is no longer something that will happen in the future. Your customers have already placed digital at the centres of their lives. Businesses that don’t adapt to this new digital world will be left behind.

Don’t get left behind.

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