
Kwasi Traits

Kwasi is a bit different to your ordinary digital agency. And a big reason for that is because our people are a bit different and definitely far from ordinary.

Every member of our team is not just a kick-ass specialist in their areas, they also share a set of Kwasi traits. It’s kind of like our own superhero code.

You’ll recognise us by the following personality traits.

We are playful

We are playful

We work very hard here at Kwasi, but we make sure that we play just as hard too. Yeah, the grind can get tough, but who said work can’t be fun – and who said that tough can’t be either?

The Kwasi team are quirky, optimistic, and always good for a bit of banter, and we’re not afraid to let our personality into our work. Approaching our job with a sense of playfulness, being our own authentic selves and letting our personalities shine through, means we have much more fun as a result.

We want our team to wake up every morning excited to step into the office. We believe that a happy workplace drives more productivity and better results. We put no limits on our ability to let our quirky nature come through in our creativity and our performance.

We are straight shooters

We are straight shooters

We’re straight shooters at Kwasi – it’s one of our core Traits. No excuses, authentic, self-aware, honest and direct. You can be confident that you’re always getting the truth from us.

We believe honesty is the best policy – with ourselves and each other. The way we share, listen and communicate reflects the deep respect we have towards everyone and all points of view. We inspire and challenge each other to learn and become our biggest, baddest selves. We’re self-aware, play to our strengths and work on unlocking our full potential all day, everyday.

We’re highly focused on metrics, accountability and results. You’ll know what we plan to do, what we’re doing and how we’re going – all aligned to your business objectives so you can see how the work we do is impacting the things you really care about.

We are masters in our field

We are masters in our field

We are hungry for knowledge, constantly improving, curious and inquisitive and we live outside the box. At Kwasi, we continuously strive to be the masters in our field.

We acknowledge that transformation is ever-present in the digital industry and we choose to embrace it so we can grow.

We believe in doing what is right for brands and their customers, which powers our desire to constantly learn, research, discover and innovate. We proactively seek new digital best practices and love putting them to action.

Our work is constantly improving because we’re always applying our hard-won knowledge and expertise – we know when to pivot for greater success. We are dynamic, continually improving our internal systems, processes and approaches as we evolve.

We care

We really care

We see our clients as partners because we genuinely care about their business and their customers. We bring everything we’ve got to the table to build trusted, long-term strategic partnerships with our clients and each other.

We listen to you and your business goals to make them our business goals. We work hard to understand your customers, because they’re our customers too. We are loyal, trustworthy, responsible, respectful and always willing to give it our all for you and our team.

Our team is full of genuine, kind, empathetic workers who will always sacrifice ourselves for the team. We put you first, always and care about your business as much as you do.

Do our traits sound a lot like yours?
Get in touch, we could be great for each other.

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