
139% Increase in Revenue & Solid Traffic Growth Following Website Migration

National Menswear Retailer

A national menswear retailer, wanted to update their website with new branding and higher expectations for traffic, search visibility, conversions and revenue.

Kwasi was able to develop and implement a strategy to help ensure their new site was launched with better structure, designs and performance and keep the site migration process running as smoothly as possible.

The goals

  • Maintain traffic, visibility and revenue throughout website relaunch and migration
  • Grow traffic, visibility and revenue post-relaunch.
  • Improve conversion rate compared to old site.

The results

  • Traffic up 28% from old site
  • Search visibility up 14%
  • Average conversion rate up 34%
  • Revenue up 139%


increase in traffic


increase in search visibility


Avg. Conversion rate increase


revenue increase

The strategy

The client was looking for a complete overhaul of their website for something that better reflected their brand, provided a better customer experience and could handle the scale of eCommerce they were aiming for.

Given the age of their existing website, thorough planning was necessary to create a site that would meet the client’s goals.

Kwasi started with a comprehensive website audit, keyword research and user behaviour analysis. We put our findings into a web developer guide that served as the key reference document for the website rebuild. The guide included:

  • Information architecture for the new site
  • Wireframes based on the user behaviour analysis and best practices
  • Technical specifications
  • eCommerce and structured data requirements

The new information architecture and wireframes were designed to shorten the path to purchase for visitors, eliminate confusion with simpler layouts and place call to actions in logical places. The changes contributed to a 34% increase on average conversion rates after the site launch.

To ensure a smooth launch and migration we create a Kwasi Index for the site with old-to-new URL mapping, implemented all the required redirects and maintained a live issues register for the new website when it was in staging and immediately following the launch.

The site launched with correct implementation of all required elements and zero technical errors and continues to outperform the old website against all KPIs.

Make your migration or the launch of your new website a success.

Have a flawless launch with Kwasi

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