
Accurate Digital Persona Guides Strategy for National Jewellery Retailer

Shiels Jewellers

After launching a new website and new brand, Shiels Jewellers gained insights for their overall and digital marketing strategies with research-based Digital Personas and Customer Journeys.

The challenge

The Australian jewellery market is crowded, highly segmented and extremely competitive. To be able to market directly to their ideal customers and differentiate themselves from the competition, Shiels needed a much clearer and data-backed understanding of them.

With a growing emphasis on ecommerce and reaching new audiences online, accurate insights into their customers’ online behaviours, preferences and motivations were particularly vital to the brand’s growth.

We delivered

  • Digital Persona
  • Customer Journey mapping
  • Comprehensive website content audit
  • Social media advertising strategy

Digital Persona

Customer Journey mapping

Comprehensive website content audit

Social media advertising strategy

Our approach

With a new ecommerce website to attract customers and generate sales as the foundation of their digital transformation, Shiels was ready to grow.

But to attract more of the right customers and help more of them to buy, the national jewellery brand needed to understand their target audience better.

Having recently rebranded, Shiels had some insights into their ideal customers, but still needed crucial data on their:

  • Demographics
  • Psychographics – their interests, personality traits and affinities
  • Key motivations – and how to emotionally connect with them
  • Online behaviours

To fill these gaps and provide the insights to power their digital transformation and guide their broader marketing strategy we undertook extensive research, with particular focus on online behaviours. As part of the market research we uncovered what channels their persona prefers, when and how she uses the internet, the content she’s interested in plus the networks and influencers that matter to her.

From this data we assembled a Digital Persona and mapped out a Customer Journey. Starting from Awareness, when the persona first starts to think about jewellery, we identified all the potential customer touchpoints leading up to a purchase decision.

Beyond the Personas and Journeys we conducted a content audit for Shiels. Reviewing all their website content allowed us to understand how well it aligned with their ideal customer and what improvements could be made.

Additionally, we developed a Performance Marketing strategy built around ads that are targeted to audiences created with a profile of the persona’s demographic, psychographic and motivations.

Find out how we can give your digital marketing strategies greater direction with our strategic services.

Know your customers through Persona & Journeys

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