
Targeted Facebook Advertising Strategy Drives Leads for Seniors Travel Insurer

Cota Insurance

To build on the profile earned through some major television exposure, Cota Insurance wanted to increase brand awareness and leads for their seniors travel insurance as cost effectively as possible through Performance Marketing.

The goals

  • Increase travel insurance leads
  • Keep cost per lead as low as possible
  • Achieve results stronger than the industry benchmarks

The results

  • $0.86 cost per click
  • $2.21 cost per lead
  • 39% conversion rate
  • 2,000 travel insurance leads


cost per click


cost per lead


conversion rate


travel insurance leads

The strategy

We chose to pursue a Facebook advertising strategy to ensure ads were reaching just their target audiences and costs would remain in their target range.

Because of their industry, paid search would too expensive for the client’s targets Bidding on just “senior” specific insurance terms was more cost-effective, but there wasn’t enough search volume.

Based on Digital Persona research we’d previously completed for Cota during strategy development, we assembled an audience for Facebook ads that targeted the ideal demographics, travel interests and several other attributes that aligned with the client’s services and unique selling points.

With audiences set up, we developed creative that would resonate with the interests and attributes we were targeting. We also created several versions of the ads in different formats to trial in line with a test plan.

The initial test provided a clear winner for creative which was further refined throughout the strategy with A/B testing to improve clickthrough rates and Relevancy Scores.

Using highly targeted Facebook advertising allowed us to sidestep the intense competition in the insurance industry to market directly to Cota’s ideal customers, keeping conversion rates extremely high and cost per lead extremely low.

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