
SEO Services

Turn organic search into a high-growth marketing channel with Kwasi’s strategic and executional acumen.

Search engines are vital for connecting people with information, products and services. Rather than becoming less relied on, consumers are using a wider range of search engines to meet their needs – from traditional engines like Google, Bing and YouTube to emerging tools like ChatPGT, TikTok and Perplexity AI.

At Kwasi, we balance an understanding of how people use search engines, what they search for and how search engines use their crawling, indexing and ranking algorithms.

We pair this with a deep understanding of each of our clients to develop and execute SEO strategies to connect them with their customers through organic search.

Our SEO Specialisations

We’re an SEO agency that has been helping Australian businesses and brands since 2011 to connect with potential customers when they’re most actively seeking results.

With our deep knowledge and extensive experience of SEO, we’re here to provide the strategy, insights and operational firepower to get you the visibility, traffic and revenue results you need from organic search.

When you partner with us as your SEO agency, your tailor-made strategy may include:

SEO Strategy

As your SEO strategists, we take a deep dive into your business, target audience and the competitive landscape to truly understand your goals and how SEO can help you achieve them.

Whether you want to achieve greater visibility in new or existing markets, more website traffic, revenue growth or more leads, we find the SEO channels and tactics to get you there and put in place transparent tracking for honest reporting throughout your strategy.

On a parallel track to the discovery and strategy development process we uncover fixes and tactics that can be implemented immediately to create momentum as early as possible.

Content Strategy

At its core, all marketing is communication, and content is its fundamental building blocks. Being able to put those building blocks together in a way that reaches, engages and motivates customers to action is a mix of art and science we call content strategy.

The Kwasi team blends data-driven insights, a deep understanding of search and creative spirit to develop content strategies that ensures that your ideal target audience gets the right messages from your brand at the right times, on the right channels.

Content Development

Content that provides real value to users performs best in search engines, and it’s this principle that guides us when we develop website content for clients.

Our SEO and content team understands how to write content that search engines can index and return for the right searches, but that’s the table stakes for us. We put in the real work to understand your business, your audience, what makes you unique and your tone of voice to produce content that will create value – for you and your customers.

Add to this a solid understanding of E-E-A-T, scaling content with AI and the unique experience a human writer can bring, and we can create best-in-class content to grow your website.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the bedrock that ensures search engines are able to find, index and show your website to potential customers.

Without a technical SEO strategy it’s all too easy for small errors, issues and unoptimised code or data to snowball into larger problems that lead to losses in search engine visibility.

But at Kwasi, we also go beyond a “problem-solving” mindset to proactively find technical-based opportunities to take advantage of more types of search results and drive greater growth.

Local SEO

When a potential customer is ready to head to an IRL location to meet their needs now, you want to be the one they see. That’s why Local SEO is a fierce competition for limited real estate – in search results and prime listings next to maps on Google, Bing, Apple Maps and more.

The Kwasi team understands the ranking and indexing systems search engines and map services use to return local results. We’ll work with you to optimise your presence, maximise your visibility and build your local reputation.

Website Migrations

Making any significant change to your website is always exciting, but it can be a little scary too. Changing your website domain, platform, hosting, information architecture or even design is a high-risk, high-reward undertaking.

While web developers are focused on a new website, much of your investment can be lost if you don’t think through the entire process of its migration.

Kwasi has more than 12 years’ experience pushing the needle as far from risk and close to reward as possible. When you plan a major change to your website, partner with the SEO agency who can look under every rock and plan for any contingency to make your migration as smooth as possible and maximise the return on investment in your new website.

Optimising for AI

More and more of your potential customers turn to generative AIs like ChatGPT and Perplexity to get answers to questions, make comparisons and learn about a wide range of topics.

Just like traditional search engines, AIs need to be able to find, understand and retrieve the best information for users. And just like with traditional SEO you can optimise for generative AIs.

Kwasi understands the similarities and differences between traditional search and generative AI “search”, and we can work with you to help ensure that you’re part of the conversation when your customers turn to AI for answers.

Working collaboratively to achieve your SEO goals

The Kwasi SEO team collaborates closely with you at every step of the process to ensure we’re moving the needle on the right goals in the right ways to suit your needs.

Our partnership will evolve through three key stages of your SEO strategy.


Our SEO strategies begin with a discovery phase. Through collaborative workshops, research and reviews we build a comprehensive understanding of your business, your goals, challenges, market and landscape.

During discovery we’ll also uncover any opportunities to make an immediate impact and momentum on your goals.


With all turnable stones turned during discovery, our SEO strategists and specialists will plan your SEO roadmap, set your measurable SEO goals and build reporting.

We’ll present you with an SEO strategy for approval. Depending on your preferences and in-house skills, we can offer executional support ranging from training and guidance to do-it-all-for-you and anything in between.

On a parallel track, we can begin implementing the immediate opportunities already uncovered to create more momentum sooner.


The deploy phase is when we roll up our sleeves and get into the day-to-day, week-to-week and month-to-month work of executing your SEO strategy and completing the tasks planned to drive your goals.

During the deploy phase, we’ll also provide regular reporting against your goals and keep collaboration open through fortnightly WIPs.

Learn more about our process

See some of our SEO work

National Menswear Retailer

139% Increase in Revenue & Solid Traffic Growth Following Website Migration

  • The challenge: Preserve traffic, visibility and sales throughout website rebuild and migration.
  • The solution: Keyword/URL mapping, Web Developer Guide, live monitoring.
  • The results: Traffic, visibility, conversions and revenue all improved through migration.
Read case study

Large Beauty & Hair eCommerce Site

100K Revenue Increase in 2 Months for a Beauty eCommerce Site

  • The challenge: increase travel insurance leads cost-effectively in a small niche.
  • The solution: Highly targeted Facebook advertising, focused on demographics & interest.
  • The results: 2,000 new leads at a cost of just $2.21 per lead.
Read case study

Owen Hodge Lawyers

Increased Leads 142% in 6 Months for Sydney Law Firm

  • The challenge: 120% increase in monthly leads for Sydney-based law firm.
  • The solution: Advanced keyword mapping on-page optimisation, conversion optimisation.
  • The results: 142% increase in leads, 48% increase in website traffic
Read case study
Case Study

Learn more about SEO

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