
Lead Generation Strategy

Transform your brand and business with the lead generation Australia is talking about

Before the internet, companies used old school methods to reach potential customers. One of these was cold calling – an ineffective sales pitch to sell you a product or service. Not only did these phone calls end in rejection, but they were annoying and unwanted.

With the growth of the interweb and online competition, finding customers is just as important and challenging now, as it was back then – if not more. Whether you’re a large business or a smaller one, getting your business to that next level is always a challenge. To grow, you need to expand your customer base through lead generation.

Lead generation services

If you searched “lead generation tactics” into a search engine, you would get bombarded with ideas and tips. But, reading these tips and being able to implement them is a whole other story. This is where Kwasi comes in.

Our lead generation services are tried and tested. We believe in landing pages, blog posts and calls to actions being able to transform visitors into customers. Our data-driven approach is how we get to know your brand and target audience better than ever, and our marketing automation, lead prospecting and more, is how we skyrocket your business.

In our ever-changing world, inbound marketing and effective lead generation strategies are what we can rely on; they’re what will keep you ahead and ranking in the search engines.

Our process

It all begins with you and your website. We’re your digital architects in the renovation and transformation of your brand and website. We’ll be your strategic partner. We’re sticklers for getting the foundations right first, because you can’t build a skyscraper until the concrete and framework is laid. Our process is divided into two key stages:


Research: this is where we discover what the demand for your products and services is online and how your customers are looking for them. You’ll also meet your ideal customers through a Digital Persona and Customer Journey. With our data-driven approach, you’ll be able to see where you stand against your competitors.

Review: learn how your website performs online. With in-depth audits and reviews, we can determine how your business is engaging with your customers, and identify where the gaps and opportunities for improvement are.

Plan: this is where we combine all of the data gathered in the Research and Review phases. We map out all the foundational fixes that are needed, and develop a strategy that will grow your brand and smash business goals.


Foundation: we’ll fix all of the foundational fixes that are holding your business back. This involves using our SEO prowess, building new elements based on keyword research, renovating existing elements on your site and much more. The result? A better and more targeted website for your business and customers.

Grow: bringing everything together from the Architect and Elevate stages, your website will enter the final phase. We’ll work with you to set goals and execute digital and content strategies. Undertaking “always-on” marketing tactics, we’ll continue to grow your business and develop your website into your most valuable asset.

Expert lead generation

Not convinced? Our case studies and digital marketing strategies will tell you otherwise:

Owen Hodge Lawyers

In 6 months, we increased leads by 142% for this Sydney law firm. With advanced keyword mapping, on-site optimisation and user behaviour, we transformed their site to drive their growth, not just keep up with it.

The Results:

  • 142% increase in monthly leads
  • 48% increase in sessions
  • 18 average PA across website
  • 24 average PA on targeted pages

Read more about Owen Hodge Lawyer’s case study here.

Cota Insurance

With a targeted Facebook advertising strategy, we drove qualified leads for this seniors travel insurer. Our goal: increase travel insurance leads, keep the cost per lead as low as possible and smash business goals.

The Results:

  • $0.86 cost per click
  • $2.21 cost per lead
  • 39% conversion rate
  • 2,000 travel insurance leads

Read more about Cota Insurance’s case study here.

More than just lead generation services

While we’re masters in our fields and experts at generating leads, we also have a bunch of other services that will transform your business and brand.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a subset of online marketing that attracts people who are actively searching for your products of services. Different (and better) than traditional marketing, it’s more targeted, less expensive and uses organic channels to bring customers to your site. It’s how we get brands found and bought by the people who want them, so everyone is happier. It’s a fresh focus that matches today’s digital age.

Email Marketing

Almost everyone has an email account, which makes email marketing one of the most effective ways to reach and engage with your customers. With emails, you can target both new and existing customers – fostering a relationship that will last. With Kwasi, we can help you create email marketing campaigns that speak to your customers on all the right levels.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has become a powerful marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. With Kwasi, you can get a tailored social media marketing strategy that will help your business go viral online. Social media changing and evolving every year (we see you Influencer Marketing), so don’t get left behind.

Content Marketing

Content has long reigned as king. It has the power to attract, persuade and convert people into customers – especially if it’s highly targeted. But, with so much content on the internet, how do you stand out from the crowd? You speak to us.

Lovers of all things digital

Here at Kwasi, we’re big fans of innovation, sharing our knowledge and using cutting-edge tools. We’re always hungry for new knowledge and are keen to live outside of the box.

We believe mastery is forged in the fires between experts, not just in one expert alone. At Kwasi, we run a pretty awesome internship program (one where interns won’t be doing coffee runs or picking up dry cleaning).

We’ve also got some big plans for our Kwasi School – which is coming soon! Sign up to be the first to find out how to apply.

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