
Digital Strategy

Combine our 13+ years of growing brands through digital marketing with your inside knowledge for an unbeatable digital strategy.

A robust, digital strategy tailored to your business goals is crucial for any business aiming for sustainable growth. Our goal is to harness the power of digital channels to enhance your brand’s visibility, engage your target audience, and drive measurable results.

Our approach begins with a comprehensive understanding of your business, industry, and competition. By leveraging data-driven insights and innovative marketing techniques, we develop a strategic roadmap that aligns with your goals. Whether you’re looking to increase website traffic, generate leads, or boost revenue, our team of strategists and specialists will work with you to achieve your objectives efficiently and effectively.

Our Strategic Services

Since 2011, Australian businesses in all industries have chosen to partner with us to develop digital strategies that unlock and augment their strengths in order to drive growth through digital marketing.

Whether you need a multi-disciplinary digital marketing agency who can design and execute on your strategy, or someone with the expertise and experience to provide the insights and recommendations to use your own resources effectively, Kwasi can help.

When you partner with us as your digital marketing strategists, some of the specialist strategic services you can access include:


Our Discovery process looks closely at your online presence, gathering information about your goals, challenges, audience and digital performance to ensure your digital strategy is grounded in data.

We begin by researching things like who your customers are, their motivations and behaviours, the competitive landscape and industry trends. This helps paint a clear picture of who your business should try to reach and your unique service proposition.

This takes us to the review stage of Discovery, where we analyse your digital footprint and channels, including things like content audit, user behaviour analysis and performance marketing review.

Comprehensive analysis provides the information you need to make data-based decisions about where to focus your digital marketing efforts.

Competitor Analysis

When it comes to developing a digital marketing strategy, understanding your competition to learn from what they do well – and exploit what they don’t – is invaluable.

Kwasi identifies your top competitors and shows how you measure up when it comes to your online presence. Our competitor research doesn’t stop with the leaderboard though. We dig deeper to find what your competitors are doing that you aren’t – and what you should be doing to get an edge over them.

Audience Insights

Attracting and satisfying the right customers is fundamental to almost every business on the planet. But when it comes to digital, most businesses are in the dark.

We develop Digital Personas and Customer Journeys that shed light on the demographics, psychographics, motivations and online behaviours of our clients’ target audiences.

Our Digital Personas provide an accurate and detailed picture of your online audience, how to attract them, engage with, motivate and convert them.

Customer Journeys map in detail the steps your target audience takes as they decide to become a customer, from being a stranger right up to the point of purchase. It maps the channels, content, networks, questions and motivations that influence your persona’s decision.

Digital Marketing Strategy

As your digital marketing strategists, we take a deep dive into your business, target audience and the competitive landscape to truly understand your goals and how we can help you achieve them through digital channels and tactics.

Whether you want to achieve greater visibility in new or existing markets, more website traffic, revenue growth, more leads or a specific return on your investment we identify the right channels, campaigns and tactics to get you there and put in place transparent tracking for honest reporting throughout your strategy.

Strategy development can include:

  • Mapping an ideal information architecture
  • Measurement strategy
  • Search engine optimisation strategy (including technical considerations)
  • Design and layout recommendations
  • Content plan to reach your ideal customer (including email marketing)
  • Paid advertising strategy
  • Email or marketing automation strategy

Website Launch and Migration

Building a new website – particularly with a new brand – is an exciting and complex project. No less complex and just as critical to long-term success is launching it smoothly, particularly if you are migrating your URLs, platform, or especially domain.

Careful planning and meticulous execution of a detailed migration plan is key to ensuring a new website launches without serious adverse impacts on search performance, ads performance and analytics.

We undertake much of the critical work to execute a website migration before the actual migration; focusing on discovering risks, planning, mapping and providing developers and other stakeholders with relevant information.

The period after the website domain and platform is migrated is a crucial one to the performance of the website. We remain involved in monitoring and hands-on with fixes and improvements to give your new website the best possible start.

Information Architecture

Refining and optimising your website’s information architecture is key to enhancing user experience and boosting search performance. Effective information architecture ensures that your content is organised logically, making it easy for visitors to navigate and find what they need.

Our approach to developing an effective sitemap involves a thorough analysis of your current website structure, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes that align with best practices in SEO and user experience design.


As they grow, many businesses find themselves more able to do the day-to-day work to execute their digital marketing with the people they have; but the depth and breadth of experience to design and guide their strategies are much harder to come by.

This is where Kwasi is able to help: by providing the analysis, insight and expertise to craft your strategic roadmap, report results objectively and keep all your efforts on the right track.

Working collaboratively on your digital strategy

The Kwasi SEO team collaborates closely with you at every step of the process of your strategy to ensure we’re moving the needle on the right goals in the right ways to suit your needs.

Through workshops, research and discovery we seek to combine our expert knowledge of the digital world with your intimate understanding of your own business, customers and market.

We develop and can act on the strategic digital marketing goals, roadmap and tactics that will help you achieve your broader business objectives.

Learn more about our full range of services

See some of our Strategic work

Large Beauty & Hair eCommerce Site

100K Revenue Increase in 2 Months for a Beauty eCommerce Site

  • The challenge: increase travel insurance leads cost-effectively in a small niche.
  • The solution: Highly targeted Facebook advertising, focused on demographics & interest.
  • The results: 2,000 new leads at a cost of just $2.21 per lead.
Read case study

Biggest Arts Festival in the Southern Hemisphere

Targeted PPC Strategy helps drive awareness and ticket sales for two new Adelaide Fringe events

Read case study

Learn more about Digital Strategy

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Digital Transformation is no longer something that will happen in the future. Your customers have already placed digital at the centres of their lives. Businesses that don’t adapt to this new digital world will be left behind.

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