
Data & Analytics Services

Unlock the power of accurate and meaningful data & analytics to power your digital marketing.

Like anything in business, digital marketing is only at its most effective when there is enough accurate and reliable data behind it. And that’s still only half the battle. Presenting data and insights clearly to be easily understood and with a compelling narrative linking it to your business goals and customers is just as vital to informing high-quality decision making.

At Kwasi, we tackle digital marketing data and analytics from both ends. We take all the steps to make sure your key data for performance, user behaviour and market insights is collected and reported accurately. At the same time, we work closely with you to make sure the most important data is being surfaced and reported in ways that you can actually use.

Our Data & Analytics Specialisations

As a performance-driven and data-led agency, reliable and insightful data and analytics underpins everything we do.

Data and analytics is embedded at every level of our strategies, starting with deciding what to measure, ensuring data is collected and reported accurately, through to taking deep-dives into the most esoteric, niche data you have to produce unique insights that will drive results.

When you partner with us as your digital marketing agency, some of the key data and analytics services that we provide and integrate into your strategy will include:

Data Audits

Audit is a scary word, but a data audit truly is the best way to ensure your data is completely accurate. Knowing what to maintain, fix or evolve is key to setting yourself up for success.

Using a comprehensive and proven checklist, we closely examine every facet, configuration and setting of your analytics accounts. Our goal is to leave no stone unturned in developing a complete understanding of what you’re measuring, how you’re measuring it and how you’re processing, integrating, segmenting and filtering your data.

Measurement Strategy

Make sure what you’re measuring aligns with your business strategy. We’ll guide you through important measurement decisions during our workshop and documented measurement and reporting plan, including vital questions like:

  • What are the business objectives you need to track?
  • What does success look like?
  • What marketing and business activities are important to you?
  • Who are your key stakeholders, and what insights and data matter to them?
  • What channels, audiences and segments are important to your business?

Reporting & Dashboards

Stay on top of your goals with monthly reports & updated custom dashboards that integrate with your digital marketing platforms and data sources like Google Analytics 4. Whether it’s part of an ongoing strategy or standalone project, we’ll help you track your overall performance, keep on top of your goals, and report clearly to your stakeholders.

Our strategists will guide you through designing, and then build for you, meaningful reports and dashboards that feature all your most valuable metrics.

Performance Reviews

An independent, expert-led review of your current performance is often a powerful tool for uncovering new opportunities and identifying issues to fix.

With a team of digital marketing strategists across multiple disciplines including search, ads, email, technical disciplines and (naturally) analytics; Kwasi is well-placed to undertake a comprehensive review of your performance and deliver recommendations and action items to improve your results.

Attribution & Channel Analysis

The paths that customers take to purchase or any conversion can include multiple online touch points and are often complex or nonlinear. Knowing which channels are driving results can be a serious challenge when you have customers who engage with your brand through multiple channels like organic search, social media, ads, email and more before buying.

Knowing how much each channel, campaign and creative is contributing to an ultimate conversion is vital to being able to allocate your marketing budget effectively and maximise your ROI.

Kwasi’s digital marketing strategists and specialists can help you understand your customer’s journeys and get a fuller understanding of channel ROI so you can make the right decisions to grow your business.

Powering great decision-making at every stage

Kwasi’s team collaborates closely with you to deliver the accurate data and powerful insights you need to make the right decisions to achieve your goals at every stage of your digital marketing maturity.

Here’s how we typically work with clients at each of the three key stages of their strategies.


Through collaborative workshops, research and reviews our strategists build a comprehensive understanding of your business, your goals, data and reporting needs and your challenges and opportunities.

As we audit existing data and learn more about your business and customers we always seek to connect the finer points of your digital marketing reporting and analytics to your big-picture business objectives.


Our design phase involves taking everything we’ve learned from running audits and workshops to develop concrete deployment plans for achieving the ideal data analytics and reporting state.

While much of this phase can get very technical, you’ll be able to start to see how reporting will come to life as we work on dashboard and report design.


During the deploy phase is when our technical specialists get their hands dirty, diving deep into your analytics, reporting and tag management systems. From the backend technical work of making sure data collection works as it should, we move to front-end work building the reports and dashboards you need for decision making.

On-going reporting, thorough analysis and insight surfacing are also important elements of any on-going digital marketing strategy with Kwasi.

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See some of our data and analytics work

Adelaide Fringe

Improved conversion tracking adds to another successful year for Adelaide Fringe

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