
Email & CRM Marketing Services

Your email marketing lists contain untapped potential to increase customer retention and lifetime value.

Email marketing and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) technologies and strategies are becoming increasingly essential to developing closer relationships, greater loyalty, retention and higher customer lifetime value with your customers.

At Kwasi, we stay on the forefront of email marketing strategies and partner with key platforms to ensure our clients reap the full potential of their first-party marketing databases, communities and customer lists.

Our Email Marketing Specialisations

Email is a massive part of everyone’s lives – as professionals, individuals and consumers we all have a close relationship with our inbox. We can develop and help you implement an email marketing strategy that speaks to your customers on all the right levels and drives your business goals.

When you partner with us as your email marketing agency, your tailor-made strategy may include:

Email Marketing Strategy

Whether your goal is to grow your database, build deeper connections with your audience, drive immediate actions or increase your customers’ lifetime value; we will build your roadmap to achieving them through email marketing.

With experienced strategists and email specialists in our team, as well as data and technical experts, we draw from a broad range of tactics and data-informed opportunities to develop your strategy.

We’ll provide you with a strategic roadmap that goes well beyond a newsletter calendar to leverage the potential of the customer insights and connections in your database.

Marketing Automation

From selecting and setting up your marketing automation tech stack to building automated flows to cohort analysis, find out how we can help you get into your customers inboxes at the key moments to drive actions.

Our email marketing specialists can design, build and optimise through A/B testing automated email campaigns and flows from abandoned cart emails to sophisticated lead nurturing flows underpinned by personalised segmentation and behavioural triggers.

Email Newsletters

Customers who subscribe to your mailing lists want to hear from you, but without the right newsletter strategy in place, too many businesses either leave their customers hanging or spam them with far too many irrelevant emails.

At Kwasi we believe in the right balance of delivering what subscribers want and making sure your messages get through to the right people in the right ways.

By developing a deep understanding of your customers and your business, we can help you build those close community relationships email newsletter marketing is so perfectly suited to.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with your targeted customers at every stage of their Customer Journey.

It’s how you build long-term relationships with customers from the time they show an interest, on through their decision to buy and become loyal customers and brand advocates. By offering targeted content that keeps your customer engaged at all touch points, you’ll build trust and brand loyalty.

Work with Kwasi to develop and action lead nurturing strategies to increase the loyalty and Customer Lifetime Value of your marketing contacts.

List Segmentation

Building a great email marketing database is only half the battle. Beyond this point, the biggest challenges for marketers become how to extract the most value from the list and how to get the right emails landing in the right inboxes.

The answer to both challenges lies in list segmentation – the art of identifying valuable subgroups within your contacts and using their common traits to better tailor your email marketing efforts.

Kwasi’s email marketing specialists work with you to identify and build the most valuable segments in your marketing databases, develop and implement strategies to deliver more targeted, personalised marketing to them.

Working collaboratively to achieve your email marketing goals

The Kwasi email & CRM marketing team collaborates closely with you at every step of the process to ensure we’re moving the needle on the right goals in the right ways to suit your needs.

Our partnership will evolve through three key stages of your list-based marketing strategy.

Discover & Design

Our email marketing strategies always begin by developing a solid understanding of your audience and your business. We seek to understand what motivates your customers and what drives your business – your goals, challenges and unique strengths.

While we undertake discovery and design your strategy, we may conduct collaborative workshops, research your audience and competitors and audit any marketing technologies and email marketing or automation campaigns in-market.

We’ll present you with an email marketing strategy for approval. Depending on your preferences and in-house skills, we can offer executional support ranging from training and guidance to do-it-all-for-you and anything in between.


The deploy phase is when you really start to see the results of your email and CRM marketing efforts accumulate. We get deep into the ongoing work of building your list, developing and sending emails, A/B testing flows and constantly refining audiences, creative, triggers and all the finer points of your campaigns/

During the deploy phase, we’ll also provide regular reporting against your email marketing goals and keep collaboration open through fortnightly WIPs.

Learn more about our process

Learn more about email marketing