
Is Your Website Fully Indexed?

2 Minute Read | Search Engine Optimisation

The term “Content Is King” is as prevalent in 2014, as it has ever been! Great link builders, and companies that utilise social media strategies, all rely on engaging content to provide the back bone of their digital marketing strategy.

Content can be anything – blog articles, infographics, product pages, videos, web apps, eBooks, white papers, and image galleries. However, website content development< is a wasted effort when it exists on a web page that has not been indexed by search engines.

Ensuring your website is fully indexed is one of the easiest ways to get traffic to your site.

How Do I Know How Many Pages Are Indexed?

The quickest way is to conduct a Google Search with the parameter site:URL. By doing this, Google can tell you exactly how many pages they have in their database from your domain.

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The next step is to ask yourself: Is this about right? Do I have this many pages on my site?

Add up all your static pages, category pages, services pages, product pages etc and check this against your search.

My Website Is “Under Indexed”

You might have an ecommerce store with 150 products, but Google has only found 75 pages on your site. This is a big problem, and fixing it can greatly effect your organic traffic. Fixing the problem of ‘under indexation’ is unique in each case. Sometimes it can be easily fixed, but in the worse case scenarios it may require a complete overhaul of the site’s link structure.

My Website Is “Over Indexed”

The other end of the spectrum is when Google might tell you they’ve found 450 pages on your 150 product ecommerce store. This situation is not so common, and is more complex in nature.

This usually occurs when duplicate content becomes present. If your website is over indexed it’s recommended you contact an SEO company and ask for a diagnosis. They will be able to crawl your website and pick up any of these errors within a few hours.

They will then work to block any unwanted pages using Google Webmaster Tools, canonical tags and 301 redirects.

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