
Jessica Torres

Senior Account Strategist

It’s very likely that Jessica will be the first person you meet at Kwasi. And you know what they say about first impressions, they count – luckily she makes a pretty good one! As one of our dedicated account managers, Jess will be your go-to person when you have a request, query, question or dare we even say it, compliment for our team.

When you embark on your Kwasi journey, you’re probably going to go through our process – and while it’s not as scary as it sounds, Jess will be there to hold your hand along the way. Consider her the key liaison between you and our production team, there to ensure that any hurdles are removed – or completely jumped over – and that our strong communication keeps flowing. She’s also going to make sure that your goals and expectations are met according to that killer digital strategy we’ll put together for you too.

Outside of Kwasi, she’s an avid gym goer and she even sambas. So if you’re ever caught in a Kwasi dance off, you might as well give up. She also loves good food – either whipped up in her own kitchen or at her favourite restaurants – and winding down with a great glass of wine.

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