
Andrew Hutchesson

Technical Lead

Andrew joins the Kwasi crew with over 8 years of fixing everything ‘under the hood’ of websites. Previously working on the client side, Andrew helped build online internal and public systems whilst freelancing. A true lover of digital, with an extroverted personality, you may know him as either your main point of contact or a wizard.

Andrew is the guy you will call when a 404 page pops up. A straight-shooter with a dedication to helping our clients get out of sticky situations. As our Technical Account Lead he is in charge of making sure your website runs smoothly and loads quickly. Challenge him with any tech issues and you’ll receive a list of solutions and total transparency. You can also count on Andrew to see you safely through a major change like a website migration or overhauling your data and analytics.

When Andrew isn’t optimising technical SEO, crawling for bugs or fixing a website crash, you will find him enjoying an ice cold gin at the pub or winning championship medals with his Korfball team.

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