
Our Digital Marketing Process

Digital marketing is a powerful tool that helps your business identify and target your ideal customers with the right messages at the right times and in the right places to drive action.

By stacking disciplines like organic search engine optimisation with paid advertising and email marketing, you can target specific audience characteristics and nurture them through the journey to becoming loyal customers.

Following our digital marketing process, you can transform and grow your business, leveraging our digital marketing expertise to drive sustainable business success.

Our step-by-step digital marketing process

Our first step is to research and review your current strategy (if you have one) and performance, identifying your ideal audience and where you sit in the competitive landscape.

Using what we learn here, we will plan foundational fixes and design a strategy to grow your brand’s online presence.

1. Discover

Rather than recommending you begin from scratch, our Discover stage looks closely at your online presence. We gather information about your goals, challenges, audience and digital performance to ensure our strategic roadmap is grounded in data.


We begin by researching things like:

  • the demand for your services and products
  • how customers search for them
  • how you measure up to the competition
  • who your customers are

This helps paint a clear picture of who your business should try to reach and your unique service proposition – what sets you apart from the competition.

With this data-informed knowledge about your target audience, your business has the grounding it needs to step into developing a strategic and compelling customer journey.


We analyse and review your digital footprint and channels. This may include:

  • Content audit
  • User behaviour analysis
  • Analytics audit
  • Performance marketing (ads) review
  • Technical review
  • Local SEO review
  • Backlink review

This comprehensive analysis provides the information you need to make data-based decisions about where to focus your digital marketing efforts.

Applying our extensive expertise in digital marketing, we will identify gaps and opportunities for maximum impact on your online visibility.

2. Design

With a clear view of your current digital presence and ideal customer, our Design stage turns the information gathered so far in the digital marketing process into an actionable roadmap leading to your desired results.

Our Design stage focuses on strategy development and can include:

  • Mapping an ideal information architecture
  • Measurement strategy
  • Search engine optimisation strategy (including technical considerations)
  • Design and layout recommendations
  • Content plan to reach your ideal customer (including email marketing)
  • Paid advertising strategy
  • Email or marketing automation strategy

At this stage of our digital marketing process, your business has the information and tools to elevate your online presence.

This data-based foundation is critical to setting your brand up for success in e-commerce, software as a service or lead generation, where digital marketing success can drive your business goals.

kwasi process diagram

3. Deploy

The Deploy stage puts into action the recommendations and planned roadmap items created in the Design stage of our process.

The initial months of this stage will often focus on foundational items to fix issues or create the baseline for ongoing activity and performance. These foundational actions may include things like:

  • Implementing technical SEO fixes to improve website performance
  • Adding new priority website content and updating your website architecture
  • Recommendations to guide web developers in making your website user-friendly.
  • Setting up ad accounts, creating and launching new performance marketing campaigns.
  • Building and deploying email automation flows

With foundations set, we collaborate closely with you on the day-to-day, week-to-week and month-to-month work of implementing your digital marketing strategy, focusing on the channels that drive results for your business.

We make sure you’re kept in the loop through regular WIP meetings and monthly reporting on your performance and progress. We’ll keep you updated about the latest trends and changes you should know about, from algorithm updates, regulatory changes or new innovations; and bring you opportunities and a plan to leverage them.


Now that your website has a strong foundation, your business is ready to receive increased leads, make sales and generate traffic at every stage of your customer journey.

Working closely with your brand, we will identify your digital marketing goals and apply our expertise to develop a targeted strategy to reach your customers.

Throughout your strategy, this stage may include:

  • Content strategy to address each stage of your customer journey
  • SEO strategy to ensure your website speaks in your customer’s language
  • Paid advertising targeted to your audience and goals
  • Email marketing to nurture your customers
  • Developing analytics to give your business customised performance data

With always-on digital marketing in place, your brand is ready to take advantage of trends, pursue growth opportunities and scale in proportion with your goals.

Questions about our process

Does my business need to be based in Adelaide to start the digital marketing process?

No, we work online with businesses located globally, including the United States and Asia. We use video calls and a range of communication strategies to work closely with your team regardless of time differences or distance.

However, if you are in Australia, we will travel to your location or invite you to our offices for face-to-face meetings.

Will I receive updates throughout the digital marketing process?

Yes. Kwasi’s findings will be presented to you at the completion of each stage to ensure you are fully informed. You will have the opportunity to review the data and approve the foundational fixes recommended in the Architect phase before they are implemented to Elevate your website.

Can Kwasi’s digital marketing process support my business goals?

Yes. Every step in our digital marketing process is designed to support your business goals. At the beginning of the process, we take the time to learn what you aim to achieve. Our digital marketing evaluation process will then be tailored to these goals.

During our ‘grow’ step all goals are set mutually with you to ensure that our always-on digital marketing process aligns with your business goals.