
What Kwasi is doing during COVID-19

We’re here for you during these unprecedented and uncertain times. The only way through is together.


Message of solidarity from team Kwasi

These are crazy times. But we are working hard to ensure the delivery of our commitments and high-quality services during this unprecedented time. We’ve made some changes to the way we operate in order to do so – these are outlined below.

We also want you to know that we are here for you and want to help in any way we can. This is not just limited to the existing digital marketing services we offer, but also with helping you transition any offline business services and/or operations to online. With our digital expertise, we can assist you with moving any previous face-to-face dealings to virtual spaces.

This is now more important than ever as the world rapidly changes around us. Contact us for more information. On behalf of all of us here at Kwasi – now logging on from our home offices all around Adelaide – chin up and stay safe.

Changes we’ve made in response to COVID-19

Here are some of the things we have implemented within the Kwasi team to help educate and stop the spread of COVID-19:

  • Every member of the team is working from home (take advantage of our working from home tips).
  • We are committed to the health & safety of our team so we are sharing the latest health and safety best practices, plus daily news about the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure everyone stays up to date (we’ll be updating the COVID-19 information page of our website as things develop, so you can stay informed.)
  • All client and team meetings are conducted via Google Hangouts, Slack, Zoom – or whatever other virtual collaboration program participants prefer.
  • We have pledged our support to the #StopTheSpread movement, which involves:
    • Committing to social distancing.
    • Supporting and checking in with our team regularly as they work from home.
    • Supporting local businesses through the available avenues.
    • Respecting and supporting frontline workers and first responders.
    • Stopping panic buying – this only worsens the situation for others.
    • Stopping the sharing of misinformation.
    • Being kind.

Our account management team remains 100% available during this time to help with any questions or queries you might have.

Personal message from Woj Kwasi

I was working remotely when I started Kwasi nearly 9 years ago, and that led me to set up the entire business in the cloud. This is paying dividends now! If you’re finding that you need a little help in this area, I would love to help you fast-track the setting up of a remote version of your physical workspace.

Feel free to pass on my contact details to anyone else you know who may need assistance.

We are committed to going above and beyond to help your business succeed in these difficult times. To that end, we’ve put together some COVID-19 business survival tips, which might be useful to you. If there is anything else I or my team can do during this time to assist or support you or your business, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stay safe and be well,

Woj Kwasi

If you have any questions about your business during the pandemic, please reach out.


We want to help.